ROI means Return on Investment
The prospect of taking a gap year can feel exciting and daunting. There are a myriad of options to choose from: travel, adventure, work, courses, programs.
Similarly, an investment in a college education can seem daunting and exciting. Making these two engagements personally meaningful and intentionally directed and connected will yield the best return on your investment.
ROI believes that our experiences, academic path, and career endeavors are all intertwined rather than separate strands of activities.
What you do on your gap year will improve critical skills to succeed in college and career.:
shape your interests
increase your self-reliance, maturity, confidence
build your skills for learning and work
give you experience in researching and applying for opportunities
MaryAnne Gatos, Ed.M; M.A.
MaryAnne Gatos has worked in many challenging education settings: a remote village in Nepal, the corporate training room, private school in Boston, public school in Vermont, and an island school for adjudicated youth. MaryAnne facilitated four community-based construction projects and helped to found three non-profit organizations. While in Peace Corps, in addition to teaching math and science in Nepali in a rural village, MaryAnne facilitated construction of a school building. Her educational background includes earning degrees from a state university, a private ivy league college, and a state college. Her experience in the corporate sector set the tone for practices that respect investments of time and money to maximize return.
MaryAnne has traveled to fourteen countries, visited numerous colleges, counseled hundreds of students on independent projects and community-based learning opportunities, and has earned two masters degrees. Additionally, MaryAnne is a potter and textile artist and enjoys traveling, hiking, biking, skiing, reading, gardening, and puzzles.
MaryAnne has a B.S. at UVM; an M.Ed at Harvard University; and a B.S. in Counseling at Johnson State College.